Wow, I think I’ve almost forgotten how to blog.
Our days have been filled with unpacking, running errands, organizing, re-organizing, re-packing stuff we don’t need right now, making lists of things we still need to buy, throwing other stuff out, and trying to get outside to the playground with the kids at least once a day.

We’ve also been doing some fun stuff – we went to the beach, and this past weekend we visited Boston, and while we haven’t made any bosom friends yet, we have met a few people who seem like they might be kindred spirits.

Still haven’t made it to the library, though.
I will be starting school with the kids on Monday, so that will add a whole new wrinkle to things. This morning I wrote out our education plan to submit to the district. Ugh, I hate doing things like that, but oh well, they have to be done, and at least, from all I hear, this district is pretty hands-off and homeschool-friendly, so I’m hoping we won’t be asked to provide meticulously detailed descriptions of all our curriculum and materials. It is, after all, only kindergarten.

(We’re doing first-grade work with Joy (Grace is still preschool age, so I don’t need to start reporting her for another couple years), but technically she’s kindergarten age, so that’s what I’m reporting her as, which gives us some cushion room in case she hits a road block with her studies and we need to take longer with any particular subject than they would in public school. Which pretty much sums up MY entire mathematical education.)
Visiting different churches, not fun but necessary. Setting up bookcases, SUPER fun and necessary. Figuring out which of my beloved books I can keep in storage for now, painful but has to happen in a small apartment! Working on the baby quilt for my niece, not necessary but fun and a good way to relax. Working on three different writing projects, probably stupid.

I made spaghetti and meatballs, with fresh green beans and homemade bread, for supper Sunday night. It was our first “big” meal in this place, and it happened after Carl and I finally got the last of the boxes in the living room unpacked and disposed of, and the kitchen organized the way we wanted it. It felt like a celebration.
Life’s going to be different, these next few years, and parts of it will be very hard indeed. But we take our joy wherever and however we can, and I think we’re going to be okay.
Okay, how did I not know you moved? Have you always lived back east? It looks like you’re having a lot of fun, as well as staying busy. Keep writing 🙂
Yup, we are both Easterners to the core. For a while it looked like we might be moving to the midwest, but … for now, we’re still East Coasters.
Soon enough you’ll get your blogging mojo back! You’ll have countless stories about this new adventure, and I for one can’t wait to read them!
Thanks! Everything is still kind of fuzzy now. I haven’t even been able to write coherently in my private journal, much less blog. This does not, I suppose, bode well for my current writing projects.
I’ve seen tweets about your move. Glad that’s over. Are you still unpacking? If so, sounds like you’re almost done. It’s been great weather to visit Boston. I’m in New Hampshire but grew up in Mass, right near the ocean. Great place to live. 🙂
Oh, this weather is amazing! The nicest August we’ve seen in years. We’re spending as much time as we can outside. Puts a damper on the unpacking, but SO good for our souls.
Just think of it as an adventure! Plus you have the beach.
Hope all goes well with the school stuff.
Thanks, Alex! This is definitely an adventure.