Today as part of school, I’m having the kids draw fantasy maps. I want them to include five things: a sea, mountains, a forest, a river, and roads. Other than that, it’s completely up to them. I showed them some examples and left them to it, only stipulating that they sit at their desks so they can’t see each other and and be influenced by what the other is doing.
Tomorrow, we’ll talk about making up stories to go along with their fantasy maps. Putting people there, dragons, mermaids, anything they want, and then figuring out how they all get along and how the world functions together.
Economics, cartography, geography, art, writing, social … and they’re having a blast with it.
Some days I really, really love homeschooling.
That’s really very creative and almost a tricky way of getting them to learn! Good idea, Mom!
…and when I hear about days like this, I really, really miss it.
yes, yes, yes!! I love this. 🙂