This debut novel by Anna Rose Johnson is a delight. Inspired by her own family history, Johnson spins a tale of hope, faith, and love that is as timeless as those her own heroine loves: Anne of Green Gables, Pollyanna, Little Women, and more.
Norvia Nelson has a great deal to overcome in this book–adjusting to a new stepfather and step-siblings as well as a new home and high school, the societal shame of her mother and father’s divorce, her mother’s insistence that she hide her Ojibwe heritage for fear of prejudice, as well as a deep desire to be popular and the kind of person who brings people together, and the fear that she might be the opposite of both. How Norvia tackles all of these difficulties, her struggles, failures, and successes, makes for a story both heartwarming and encouraging. There is nothing sappy or saccharine about it, but it is a gentle, sweet story that ultimately believes in people’s ability to make the best of every situation, no matter how difficult.
It also is full of delightfully subtle nods to the stories both Norvia and Johnson love–never anything that distracts or detracts from the story, but fun little treats for readers who are also familiar with those stories. (I love the hair comb especially–such a sweet tribute to Emily of Deep Valley!)
I have preordered the hardcover in addition to the eARC I already received, and I can’t wait both to read it again for myself, and to share it with my daughters, as I know they will love it as well.
(Note: the above is the review I put up on Goodreads for this book after reading the eARC–after I received the hardcover, I handed it to Joy, age 14 1/2, who started reading it and in true storybook fashion stayed up late reading it because she couldn’t put it down. “It’s so compelling!” she told me, half-guiltily, half-delightedly. So there you go–my expectations that my daughters would love it were not only met, but exceeded.)
The Star That Always Stays is available in all the usual places–Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop.org–but I strongly recommend requesting it through your local independent bookstore, should you be so fortunate as to have one. I have linked to the hardcover edition for each of these, because this is the type of book that feels more fitting to read in hardcover, but of course you can get the ebook at any of the above links if that is your preference or need!