For the first time ever, StarDance Press has a proper logo! This is still the prototype, so I am more than willing to hear your impressions of it. Do you like it? Hate it? Think it’s a good start but could still use some tweaking? I’ve been working on it for so long I have lost all sense of perspective (as tends to happen with the writing, come to think of it), so I would appreciate any and all feedback (as also happens with the writing).
I hope you are all having a wonderful summer! Carl and I started a quick (ha ha) painting project to improve the master bedroom and my study over the July 4th long weekend, and we are still working on it with no immediate end in sight. Isn’t that how it always goes? Still, it should be beautiful when it is finished, and in the meantime, I’m off to go scrape some more old paint off the wooden boards in my study so we can sand and refinish them. Cheers!