Books, reading list

What Books …

… are on your Christmas wish list?

I’ve been very naughty this year and buying most books that I want myself, as I want them, but there are a few I’ve managed to hold off on, just in case. These are the sorts of books that, if they don’t appear under the tree, will end up in my hands (or on my computer, for e-book versions) in early January.

First! Death Come to Pemberley, by PD James. Confession: I’ve never actually read any of James’ books, but come on, a published Jane Austen fanfic by a well-known mystery writer? How could I not want this book? The only thing that would make it better would be if it were a Persuasion mystery – can’t you just see Anne and Frederick as Tommy and Tuppence (except I think Anne would by Tommy, and Frederick Tuppence), or Nick and Nora? Someone needs to write that story.

Next: all the books in the Austin Family Chronicles by Madeleine L’Engle. As I mentioned recently, A Ring of Endless Light is a book that has been a tremendous help to me whenever I get discouraged. I’ve actually never read any of the rest of the series, but I would like to own them, so that I might read them as slowly as I want, in order to properly savor them.

The e-book version of Shadow Magic, by Patricia C Wrede. I am an enormous Wrede fan, and when I saw that the Lyra, some of her earliest ones (and ones I’ve not read yet), were available as e-books … well, let’s just say I was really, really glad that I’d downloaded that Kindle app a week earlier.

Also by Wrede, I’ve been (im)patiently waiting for the paperback release of Across the Great Barrier – I have Thirteenth Child in paperback, and I like my books in a series to match, but hey, if someone wanted to pre-order this for me, I wouldn’t complain (hint hint, Santa).

And then there’s the book that I remember so fondly from my childhood, and would like to have to keep and to read to my girls: Once upon a Time in the Meadow. This story of six cousins and the bunny they rescue from the trap is sweet and heartwarming, and like I said, brings me back to my childhood as soon as I see the distinctive illustrations.

So there you have it! Not a tremendously extensive list, since, as I said, I tend to buy most of my book-fancies for myself, but enough to probably include Christmas and my birthday in a few months! (My 30th birthday – I am sososososososo not ready to think about that yet.)

What books do you have on your Christmas wish list?

0 thoughts on “What Books …”

  1. Great list! I'm taking a poetry class in January, so I'm reading mostly poetry right now. Two books on my radar are Blue Hour by Carolyn Forche and Dream Work by Mary Oliver. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas!!I bought my daughter and mother-in-law "Death Comes to Pemberley." I hope they read fast because I can't wait to get it as a hand-me-down. ;)I bought some YA steampunk novels (the names escape me for a moment) for my teen son. And I've bought some e-books for myself, including Black Blood by Melissa Pearl.Books make Christmas!

  3. Connie, I used to insist on reading all the books I gave away for Christmas presents before I wrapped them – after all, how ELSE would I know if they were really fit for the recipient?I bought myself a couple of YA fantasy-fluff e-books last night. Nothing on my list, but I needed something to help break the stress of trying to finish all the homemade Christmas presents AND get everything wrapped on time!

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