families, Life Talk

Take a Hike!

We went on a family hike this past weekend – one of our favorite activities, but one that, between swelteringly hot weather and long hours at Carl’s job, we haven’t been able to indulge in at all this summer. It was the perfect day for it – sunny and warm, but the air was crisp enough that we wanted sweatshirts at first. 
Carl showing the girls how to read the map and follow the trail markers

Can you spot the toad?

Two happy hikers!

I saw this stump and thought: “It looks like the gaping jaws of some giant mythological beast!” Then I thought: “I’m not even going to mention that to my family; they’ll think I’m crazy.” THEN I thought: “Well, I’ll at least take a picture of it for my blog; my readers get my kind of craziness.”


Feeling like a big shot because she hiked the entire thing (this was her first major hike having outgrown her backpack carrier)

I LOVE that Joy is photo-bombing this shot of Grace and Carl

Tired little chickie, snuggling with Dad

“Hey, maybe we’ll end up in Narnia if we walk through this arch!” (We didn’t)

Not only was it an awesome day just as a family, I felt creativity bubbling up in me like crazy. Nothing specific, no great story plots or characters, just general creativeness. It was so, so needed. Even though we all came home exhausted and sore (my legs are still aching today – scrambling up and down steep, rocky mountains while helping a small child requires some serious muscle work), we were laughing and chattering and just absolutely refreshed.
Where do you go to get revitalized?

0 thoughts on “Take a Hike!”

  1. This is an excellent post, Louise! I found the toad :)I get revitalized at my family's summer lake home. That's where I think of some of my ideas and that's where I don't have a computer to write them down! So I try to remember them after vacationing there for a weekend. I believe your creativity, ideas, etc. can come out anywhere sporadic. It's just where will you find them? Thanks for this inspirational and uplifting post!

  2. I love swimming in the lake! It's so fun and refreshing! If you ever go the lake again, I hope you enjoy it! I agree there's nothing like warm water with some cold springs (my lake is spring-fed) on your feet. I also love feeding the fish with oatmeal! They keep on getting bigger and bigger. Not to forget, tubing is so fun, especially when it's fast. I've made some fond memories at the lake and they're unforgettable. As for hiking, I've never done it but I would try it someday.

  3. That first time you swim all the way out to the floating dock all by yourself … getting up early to go fishing in the rain … picking wild berries in the scorching sun and then coming back to the cottage to cool off in the lake …exploring all the paths and trails around, getting lost and always finding your way back home … I could go on and on!

  4. Me too, I could go on and on about all the things I do up north!I love having bonfires with S'mores. There's nothing better to eat than S'mores while at the lake. The conversations are also very fun. I practically know almost all the people who vacation\live there so we have bonding time all around. I think the lake makes you closer as family and friends.

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