
Overcoming Adversity Bloghop

Today is the start of Nick Wilford’s “Overcoming Adversity” bloghop. I haven’t done a bloghop in ages, but I knew, as soon as I saw Nick’s first post talking about it, that I wanted to do this one. Nick asked bloggers to write a short story on overcoming adversity that he would later compile into an anthology to help raise funds to send his stepson Andrew, who has cerebral palsy, to college. What an amazing privilege to be able to participate in a project like this!
I wasn’t able to come up with a respectable story (embarrassing for a fiction writer to admit, but true), so I turned to poetry. This piece is in honor of my grandparents. Some of my most precious and painful memories are seeing my grandfather sit beside Grandma’s bedside holding her hand, long after her memories of him had faded. The very last memory I have of them together, in fact, is of them in that position when she was in the hospital with the pneumonia that eventually ended her life. If anyone in my life has ever been an example of overcoming adversity, it is them.
Nick, thank you for giving me this chance to join in something like this – it truly is a gift from you to us!
Farm boy

Farm girl

Husband and wife
Grandparents and more

Her memories are gone
His legs no longer bear his weight
To the world, they are broken

Side by side
Her in a hospital bed
He in his wheelchair

Hands clasped
Love forever
Together, they are always whole.

0 thoughts on “Overcoming Adversity Bloghop”

  1. Hi Louise. I'm visiting from the bloghop.You've painted a beautiful image of overcoming adversity… In my mind's eye, I can see the two of them so clearly… it really evokes a sense of wistfulness.Thanks for sharing.

  2. Nice to meet you, Louise. 🙂 I'm also participating in the Nick's bloghop and am trying to get around to everyone…Loved that your entry was inspired by your grandparents. My own are some of the biggest influences in my life. Sadly, I lost my last one when I was 11, but the memories have been with me every day.The mechanic part also struck a chord, because I come from a family of them. (My father, his uncles, etc.) I'm not sure I inherited the gene. 🙂

  3. Beautiful! Reminded me of the last time I saw my grandmother. Two days before she passed she sent me a poem. It broke my heart! She was the most awesome woman I've ever known. Someday I hope to write her story!Thank you for sharing,

  4. Thank you for visiting, EJ. I didn't seem to inherit the gene for farming, teaching, OR mechanics. Both my grandparents were famous storytellers, though, so I guess I'll be content with my inheritance in that area. 🙂

  5. Really sweet. Brings tears to my eyes. I love this. And very cool that you see Nick's bloghop as a gift to us all. I totally agree. The blogging community is so amazing.

  6. Hi, Louise,So nice to meet you. Came over from the HOP…. This was a stunning tribute you your grandparents. I am so touched and a bit tearful. Thank you for sharing their moment with us.Michael

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