We’ll start with the biggest news–the second edition of Magic Most Deadly will be released on November 1st, 2023. Hurray!
This means that the first edition will be archived and no longer available on October 15th.

In an attempt to streamline my social media marketing, the cover reveal for the new edition has been revealed exclusively to newsletter subscribers. If you want to see the new cover before November 1st and you aren’t already subscribed to the newsletter, sign up below (or in the box in the sidebar) and I’ll be sure to send you the newsletter with the reveal in addition to the free fantasy short story that already comes with signing up.
There might be a delay in the paperback release, but the ebook should almost certainly be out on the projected release day of November 1st, and the paperback as soon after that as is possible.
So make a note–we will say goodbye to the old edition on October 15th, and hello to the new on November 1st!