I thought it might be fun to do a blog post series that gives a deeper dive into some of the magical aspects of the Whitney & Davies world. Just as writing Julia’s story (currently available only to newsletter subscribers–if you subscribe to the newsletter and have not gotten the links to all three parts of Julia’s story, get in touch and I’ll send them to you directly) gave me a chance to explore the lives of other characters outside our main protagonists, I thought this series might give me a chance to explore the world beyond the spells and magical abilities Maia and Len use and develop in the course of their stories. And who knows? We may yet see a story or two that picks up on some of the aspects that get covered in this series, or at least is inspired by these posts! No promises, but we can all hope …
Some of these topics have been ones I’ve discussed with friends-of-the-series on various social media sites. I had a glorious discussion about different aspects of clothing magic around the time I published Death by Disguise on the site that used to evoke bird noises and is now a letter of the alphabet, and on Tumblr not too long ago on all the different types of magical craftsmanship there could be.
Some have come about as a result of working through implications of other world-building details in the novels, or through some of the short stories that go along with them. Patricia C Wrede has written of two different kinds of world-building camps that writers tend to fall into: soap bubble world building (where your world starts out with a few shiny ideas and gradually keeps expanding as you write) and iceberg world building (where you have developed your world fully before you ever start writing and your stories only ever show the smallest amount of the world you’ve developed). I am more of the soap builder type, because I tend to be an exploratory writer in general–if I focus on too many details before I start writing the story I lose the impetus to write at all. Finding out what happens next, keeping up with the story as it grows, letting it take me into unexpected places … that’s what keeps me writing. And so much of my world-building is also exploratory–let’s find out what is behind that bend in the road, shall we? Only now I’ve explored enough of the world of Whitney & Davies to start sharing some of those fun details with you. Things like Helen’s fashion magic, what the Circle really does, how does healing magic work, what about those different types of magical craftsmanship, and maybe, just maybe, we’ll start to come closer to figuring out what makes Maia and Len able to see each other’s magical auras when that’s supposed to be impossible.
The first post will be on clothing magic–specifically what Helen is doing for her career, but other practical uses of magic on and with clothing. I’m mostly taking the winter off from social media and the internet, so that post will likely not be up until early February. And then we’ll go from there!

“The site that used to evoke bird noises…” Bwahaha, brilliant! And also, this series should be fun, looking forward to it!