Hello friends! It’s been a long time since I’ve done a giveaway, and I think it’s time I changed that.

The Prize: A signed paperback copy of Magic & Mayhem, my newly-released short story collection (if you already have M&M, contact me and we can work out a substitute of one of my other works).
The Rules: Between now and next Saturday (5/19), leave an honest review on any or all of my books on Amazon and/or Goodreads (links below).
Come back here and leave a comment with a link to your review(s).
Each review is one (1) entry into the giveaway. (Four books, two places to leave reviews, means you could potentially have up to eight entries.)
On 5/20, a winner will be randomly drawn, and on 5/21 they will be contacted about how to claim their prize.
The Reason: Glamours & Gunshots, Book 2 of the Whitney & Davies series, is coming out this year. THIS YEAR. Hopefully even this summer, though let’s not get too carried away.
I would love to stir up a lot of interest for this release, and one way to do that is by having enough reviews on my other books for potential readers to take note of the series and consider purchasing the new book when it comes out. Reviews are an author’s lifeline! Without them, our books tend not to show up in searches, they don’t get featured anywhere, and we lose so many potential readers.
Extra Stuff: If you have already left a review on all of my books but would still like to enter the giveaway, that’s fine, too–send me a link to them and you’ll be entered. Winning does not depend on the quality of the review–even if it’s one-star because you really didn’t like it, BE HONEST. All I’m looking at is that a review has been left, not its content. This contest is open to international participants as well as US!
Easy links for reviewing:
Magic Most Deadly — Amazon and Goodreads
From the Shadows — Amazon and Goodreads
Candles in the Dark — Amazon and Goodreads
Magic & Mayhem — Amazon and Goodreads
To go over the rules one more time:
Between now and 5/19, leave a review on any or all of my books on Amazon and/or Goodreads.
Come back here and leave a comment with a link to your review(s).
Each review is one (1) entry into the giveaway.
On 5/20, a winner will be randomly drawn, and on 5/21 they will be contacted about how to claim their prize.
Prize is a signed paperback of Magic & Mayhem. (this is negotiable if you already have a copy and would like one of my other books instead)
Go forth and review, share this post with all your friends-and-relations, and good luck!